Work progress

At TRES HABITAT we know that the construction process and stages of a new construction development are usually something that are unknown and that create a bit of uncertainty.

That’s why we have designed this calendar on which, in simple fashion, you will be able to see what each stage consists of and from the highlighting the photos you will know the progress of the construction at any given moment.

Basic and final design

The site management of the promoter draws up the designs that will define the building.


Stage at which the marking out, earthworks and implementation of the foundations of the building up to elevation 0 are carried out.

Façade and roof

At this stage all the exterior and interior enclosures (partitions) are carried out and the roof is built with the corresponding waterproofing.

Final works certificate

The site management will draw up this certificate which is part of the final construction project, which proves that the works have been carried out according to the building project and the existing modifications and their legality are specified.

Review and cleaning

At this stage, it will be checked that everything has been carried out according to the project and that it is up and running. General cleaning will also be carried out to deliver the work in perfect condition.

Works license

This is requested from the town hall according to the basic project and once it has been obtained, it allows us to start the work.

Current stage: Structure

The slabs, pillars, beams and walls that will give shape to the skeleton of the building are carried out. The preparation of installations such as drains and the electrical system are also included.


At this stage, the floor paving and vertical walls (plasterwork), installations (water, electricity, heating,...) locksmithery, interior carpentry, toilets, kitchen furniture are carried out... Here we will also include stairs, lobbies, lifts....

Legalisation of the works

Once the certificate has been obtained, the legalisation procedures of the works begin and the building log book shall be drawn up, the request for the habitability certificates, the 1st occupation license and the connection of utilities.

Handover planned for the fourth quarter of 2024

When all the procedures have been completed and the supplies have been registered, the homes will be handed over by signing the public deed of sale before a notary.

Basic and final design

The site management of the promoter draws up the designs that will define the building.

Works license

This is requested from the town hall according to the basic project and once it has been obtained, it allows us to start the work.

Current Stage: Foundations

Stage at which the marking out, earthworks and implementation of the foundations of the building up to elevation 0 are carried out.


The slabs, pillars, beams and walls that will give shape to the skeleton of the building are carried out. The preparation of installations such as drains and the electrical system are also included.

Façade and roof

At this stage all the exterior and interior enclosures (partitions) are carried out and the roof is built with the corresponding waterproofing.


At this stage, the floor paving and vertical walls (plasterwork), installations (water, electricity, heating,...) locksmithery, interior carpentry, toilets, kitchen furniture are carried out... Here we will also include stairs, lobbies, lifts....

Final works certificate

The site management will draw up this certificate which is part of the final construction project, which proves that the works have been carried out according to the building project and the existing modifications and their legality are specified.

Legalisation of the works

Once the certificate has been obtained, the legalisation procedures of the works begin and the building log book shall be drawn up, the request for the habitability certificates, the 1st occupation license and the connection of utilities.

Review and cleaning

At this stage, it will be checked that everything has been carried out according to the project and that it is up and running. General cleaning will also be carried out to deliver the work in perfect condition.


When all the procedures have been completed and the supplies have been registered, the homes will be handed over by signing the public deed of sale before a notary.